Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Tree...Ohhhhh Christmas Tree.....

Well, we went and picked out our Christmas Tree and it is the most painful tree I have ever had to handle....really!!!..   We picked out some kind of Blue Spruce something or another and it has the sharpest needles ever.  I have to wear gloves to put on the lights and decorations.  

It started with trying to put the tree trunk in the base and discovered that we had to remove more limbs to make it fit.  The more limbs we cut off the more holes that showed up...yikeeeessss....Once I got the tree settled and honkered in the stand, I took the cut off limbs and stuffed them in the base with the's not perfect but it works.  

While putting the lights on, moving around the tree was like playing with barb wire... my arms and hands have so many itchy bumps and red marks, it looks like a major rash....I tried to put on a long sleeved sweat shirt, but I got so hot that I could not stand it.   So...took that off and found some kitchen gloves..(you know the kind, Yellow and they make your hands sweat) but that was better than all of me sweating...

Then came the bulbs...ever tried to put on decorations with gloves on?  Not fun.  I am about to toss this "wonderful tree" out the door.  Anyway,  it is done now and I am not looking forward to taking it all off in a few weeks....


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